Get to Know the Teachers
At Rosebank, all teaching staff have different areas of responsibility. If you have ideas about how to improve our school please do not hesitate to contact any of the staff listed below. Your ideas are always welcome.
All teachers are also undertaking research projects this year with the aim of continuously improving the education your child receives.
Miss Smith - Headteacher
Miss Fox - Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss C Chippendale - Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning
Ms L Forbes - Assistant Head for Managing the Organisation
Mrs. Simpson and Miss Kell - 3 Year old and 2 Year old Nursery
Miss Render - Reception 1 Teacher (Danube)
Mrs. N. Noor- Reception 2 Teacher (Rhine)
Miss Alia - Year 1 Teacher (Congo)
Ms. Mahmood - Year 1/2 Teacher (Nile)
Miss Fox - Year 2 Teacher (Zambezi)
Miss Lee - Year 3 Teacher (Euphrates)
Miss Chippendale - Year 3/4 Teacher (Ganges)
Miss Smith - Year 4 Teacher (Mekong)
Mrs. Jackson & Mr Griffiths - Year 5 Teachers (Amazon)
Mrs. Whitaker - Year 5/6 Teacher (Mississippi)
Mr. Kyle - Year 6 Teacher (Orinoco)