Rosebank Primary School

"We are all friends and together we succeed"

SEND Support

Here we hope you will find some useful information about how to access support and advice if you are caring for a child with special educational needs.

For further information, please feel free to contact our SENDCo, Miss Bradley  

STARS tips

Click below to see STARS top tips for how to manage big festivals such as Christmas. (This information can be adapted for any big celebration e.g. Diwali or Eid.)

STARS tips

Leeds SEND Local Offer

The Leeds Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. 

The Leeds Local Offer is about providing families with information to make informed choices about services they chose to use. 

Click here to visit the "Leeds SEND Local Offer" websiteParent and Carer Support Groups 


Leeds SENDIASS is a free and confidential service, providing advice and support for children and their families

Access the Leeds SENDIASS website for further information

Directory of Services to support your child

Please click on the link below to find out further information about organisations providing support to parents/carers

Directory of Services providing support to parents/carers 

Family Fund

Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Their purpose is to improve the lives of low-income families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.

Click here to find out how to apply for a Family Fund grant

SNAPS (Special Needs & Parent/Carer Support)

SNAPS (Special Needs and Parent Support) is based in Leeds and provides support services for children with additional needs of all kinds, and their families.

Their aim is to support the entire family by enabling the child, along with siblings, parents/carers to participate in a shared experience of physical activity, fun and conversation in relaxed surroundings.  Their age range is from 0 to 16 and children do not need a formal diagnosis.  Families can self-refer to the charity or be referred by another organisation.

Click here to find out more about SNAPs support

Autism Support

Scope - Parent/Carer Advice Line

SCOPE have an advice line that is open every day of the week for parents/carers to contact for some support.

Tel: 0808 800 3333  Email:

Click here to access the Scope website

Autism Support Services

The guide below will give you information about what support can be accessed, locally in Leeds, regionally and nationally, when a child or young person receives an autism diagnosis

Click here to find out about autism support services

Complex Communication and Autism (ican)





Click here for help and information! 


 Please also take a look at the fantastic Video Tool Kit at the bottom of the website page!





Respite clubs for children with send.

Please click on the following links below for more information regarding respite clubs for children with SEND. 

Leeds Short Breaks!

Little Hiccups!


Carers Leeds!

Leeds Mencap!


Leeds for Learning 



speech & Language support


Leeds community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit contains advice, activities, and general resources to help with the development of children and young people's speech, language and communication skills.

please click the button below to be directed to the website for help, support and information.


Click here for more information on Speech & Language support! 

Early Communication advice, support and guidance.


Early communication skills, such as: looking, joint attention, taking turns and listening are regarded as the foundation to speech, language and communication development.


Click here for more information!